Residential Painting in Toronto

Top Choice Residential Painters in Toronto

After many years of experience in the field, Horizon Construction has become the premiere painting company in Toronto. We specialize in all forms of painting and staining on any surface or application need. When it comes to having your home painted, it really pays to havr expert advice for your project. We have seen several clients who have gotten incorrect information from other house painters and their home has been ruined in the process.

We always offer free quotes for your project and when you choose us to paint or stain your home, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. Unlike many other painters in the Toronto area, we spend time prepping for your project so that you will have the absolute best finish possible.

Highest Quality Services For Your Home:


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This is where the text for your Feature Box should go. It's best to keep it short and sweet.


This is where the text for your Feature Box should go. It's best to keep it short and sweet.


This is where the text for your Feature Box should go. It's best to keep it short and sweet.


This is where the text for your Feature Box should go. It's best to keep it short and sweet.


This is where the text for your Feature Box should go. It's best to keep it short and sweet.

Call Us Today To Get a FREE Quote

We offer no obligation, free quotes no matter how large or small your project is. You and your company will never be charged for a quote from us.


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Find us.

5100 Dundas St W, Unit A
Etobicoke, ON M9A 1C2 Canada

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