Understanding Building Repointing
Whether you are looking to own a home or want to build up your construction knowledge, there can be times when you feel overwhelmed by the mountains of terms you come across. Thankfully, you can learn by chipping bits and pieces of the mountain until you exhaust all of it. For today, getting started on understanding building repointing is not a bad idea. So what exactly is building repointing and why should you care?
Building Repointing
Building repointing is a term used to refer to the process of renewing the external parts of mortar joints. It is necessary to renew these joints because over time, the effects of weathering can cause cracks and voids which subsequently allow the entry of water. Also, over time, these joints can appear unsightly after withstanding harsh weather conditions. Sometimes, building repointing is referred to as simply pointing or pointing up. However, the latter terms are usually used in new constructions and not in renewals.
During construction, bricks and stones are laid down in a bed of mortar which is subsequently levelled out and shaped up after extrusion occurs. This extrusion occurs because the bricks and stones push out against the mortar when the laying is taking place. In some cases, the mortar is visible while in others, it is eventually concealed using pointing mortar.

Exposure To Weather
After years of exposure to elements, the pointing mortar suffers wear and tear and must be replaced in order for the building to look decent. The first step in repointing is a mortar analysis, whereby samples of the mortar are investigated in order to determine the components, ratio and aggregate of the materials contained therein.
The next step involves the removal of the old mortar. The depth of the mortar that’s removed is determined by either the width of the joint or the extent required to reach the sound mortar. It is important that the old mortar is done carefully to avoid damage to mortar joints. Where you are dealing with buildings with soft materials, removal by hand is recommended.
Exterior Building Restoration
In instances where poor repointing work has been done during exterior building restoration, there is likely to be a raise in the level of the mortar joint above the face of the masonry unit. This is not pleasant to the eye and will definitely not look good to a potential buyer if the aim of the repointing was to prepare your building for a re-sell.
Always use the same materials for the repointing as you did for the original mortar. If the exact materials are not found, opt for something that is within the same radius in terms of characteristics. The characteristics you should consider include permeability, compressive strength and coefficient of thermal expansion.
Restoration Specialists
It is necessary to discuss your options with your restoration specialist so that you understand what options are available to you. Building repointing, when done well, can give your building a new lease of life and increase its value to unimaginable levels. You just need to hire the right people for the job, and Horizon Construction is a good way to go.
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- How to Choose an Ideal Color for Your Exterior
- Understanding Building Repointing
- Weather and Caulking-What you need to know
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Contact us to do for all your building restoration
So if you own a residential, commercial or industrial building in Toronto and its surrounds, be sure to contact Horizon Construction for any restoration project, no matter how big or small. We not only offer an obligation free quote, but extremely competitive rates. Our 25 years in the construction industry will help ensure your restoration project is a massive success.