How often should I have my building caulked or waterproofed?

When was the last time you inspected the outer envelope of your building? Have you noticed some signs of water infiltration at different points of your property’s exterior? Caulking and waterproofing are necessary to prevent physical and structural issues. When you allow water to slip through the walls and ceilings of your building, you will have costly issues to deal with in future. Water damage can cause mold and mildew to grow creating a health risk for the occupants of the building. It is important to hire the right contractors for any exterior building restoration project you require whether waterproofing or caulking. If you are concerned about how often you’ll need to invest in caulking, consider the factors below.

What Sealant Was Used?

The frequency of caulking will greatly depend on the type of sealant that was used. Most contractors use urethane and silicone based products in waterproofing and caulking projects for both commercial and residential buildings. These two sealants vary in terms of performance and also cost. While silicone based sealants may be relatively more expensive, they usually provide better value in the long term. Silicone based sealants last much longer than urethane based sealants. On average, a silicone based sealant will not need additional caulking or waterproofing for 15 to 20 years. On the other hand, urethane based sealants will only last up to 10 years before any repairs are needed. Bear in mind that regardless of the type of sealant used, it must be professionally done in order to last long. That’s why you must hire the right contractor for the job.

Was The Installation Properly Done?

Exterior Building Restoration

Caulking and waterproofing must be done properly in order to last long. Always hire a contractor that has experience in this kind of job. If the surface is not prepared properly, the caulking will not last. The contractor also has to use the right amount of caulk in order for it to adhere to the surface as it should. There are different types of caulking designed according to the job. A reliable contractor should select the appropriate caulking for your project and prepare the surface accordingly.

How Is The Climate?

Climatic conditions can also contribute to adhesive failure. For instance, when the weather is humid, the caulk may not adhere to both surfaces to which it was applied. Your contractor should be able to perform adequate testing and preparation days before the project. Selecting a local contractor who is well versed with the weather in your area is often recommended to avoid such failures.

What Quality Of Caulk Was Used?

It’s important to select the right caulk for the job. If you use a low-quality caulk, you may need to have it replaced before its lifespan. When contractors are looking at the right caulk for the job, factors such as the type of surface where it is going to be applied must come into play. Choose a high-quality caulk and you won’t think of replacing it in the near future.

Contact us to do for all your building restoration

So if you own a residential, commercial or industrial building in Toronto and its surrounds, be sure to contact Horizon Construction for any restoration project, no matter how big or small. We not only offer an obligation free quote, but extremely competitive rates. Our 25 years in the construction industry will help ensure your restoration project is a massive success.


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Our Clients:

Madison Condo Caulking Job


Station Condo Caulking Job


Remax - Caulking and Glazing Job


Westin Hotel Caulking Job


Husky: Replace Solarium Roof Glass Panels and Structural Caulking


Halmark Canada - Commercial Caulking


Commercial Caulking Front of the Building


General Restoration of the Shopping Center